You can tell that this was a labor of love by the developers, but as a game it didn't do much for me, made it to chapter 8 and bounced. It's been ~20 years since I played the original, so I might replay and then come back to this, but more likely will end up putting a lets play video on in the background or just the cutscenes on youtube.

First time i've committed to an idle game. Started on this one a bit over 2 years ago, and Steam says I spent 17k hours in game. I did enjoy my time with the game, it was kind of like a pet that I needed to check in on once or twice a day, but I think I finally sort of understand people who play a game for thousands of hours and then leave a negative review. Dumb game with humor so juvenile to be off putting, but all the same i'm going to miss it.

With Zachtronics announcing that they won't make any new games, i've decided to try to slowly revisit their catalog. I love that this game exists, it really is "the assembly language programming game you never asked for!"

An alternate title to this game that would have worked is "Empathy Simulator". More of an experience than a game, but the world needs more things like this in it. Feeling down? Write a letter and someone will respond positively.