A classic puzzle game that I used to watch my mom play all the time on the family computer when I was a little kid. At the time, I didn't really understand what she liked about it. But as an adult, I tried it out, and now I understand. It's easy to get play, but difficult to master. You could probably beat it in an hour and a half if you were to get through every level on your first try, it's technically not a long game at all. But that will likely not happen. After playing the game for a while on Xbox and getting too frustrated by it's controls (not really the game's fault, to be fair), I got it on Steam. There are 12 main "worlds", each with an increasing number of levels. On PC, I'm pretty sure I beat the first 11 without losing all my lives, or even dying many times at all. But world 12 took me significantly longer than the first 11 did combined. RNG can definitely make or break your run, which can feel a little frustrating. But in the end, you can always win if you react quick and correctly. So it doesn't feel like you're getting screwed over.

Overall, a very fun and inexpensive title that I would recommend to just about anyone, even if puzzle games aren't your thing. It's so easy for it to keep you on the edge of your seat.

Reviewed on Oct 26, 2023
