Full Review + Trophy Review and Tips Below (Easy Platinum)

Played on PS VITA. Midnight Deluxe (not to be confused with 36 Fragments of Midnight) is like playing angry birds as you sling shot the little cube through the level avoiding obstacles that will one hit kill you. Just arrive at the light (exit) and move on to the next level. I found this easy to play on VITA by using the touch screen controls vs the joy stick. It's moderately fun and not too challenging, I would only recommend if you want the Platinum Trophy.

Difficulty: 2/10
Time: 45 Minutes
Trophy Guide: Not Needed
Trophy List Score: 5/10

Another easy trophy run for a semi fun game. You just need to beat 40 out of the 70 levels and die once by each trap (saw, spikes, etc.). The only trophy to work for is in level 4, making sure you hit one of the furry friends before beating the level to make them smile. Easy to do once you know how to achieve it. That is it!

Happy Trophy Hunting!

Reviewed on Jun 01, 2022
