Full Review + Trophy Review and Tips Below (Easy Platinum)

Played on PS VITA. This game actually had thought put into it. It is a challenging puzzle game where you need to get to the exit with a set amount of moves. It starts off easy with small obstacles but near the end you have two characters to toggle between, movable objects and switches, enemies that move towards you after a certain amount of steps and the list goes on. There is very little to no room for a miss step.

Difficulty: 3/10
Time: 60 Minutes
Trophy Guide: Unless you are awesome at puzzles, use a video guide.
Trophy List Score: 5/10

The Platinum path requires you to beat the game and meet the different characters. It is that simple, however, the game isn't. The puzzles get extremely challenging and could easily take you 6 hours or more to beat naturally, so for the quick platinum, look at the solution for each room and just follow the path.

Happy Trophy Hunting!

Reviewed on Jun 01, 2022
