How could anyone think this is the Metropolis people want to adventure through? A city Superman has abandoned that appeals only in an opening cutscene before revealing itself to be a lifeless hub of non-interaction. Thinking back on it a few days from now I’ll probably only recall endless rooftops with endlessly respawning enemies and giant guns. Go here, shoot stuff, go somewhere else, shoot some more stuff. Do that and nothing else over and over and over again until your eyeballs start bleeding.

Some nitwits at Warner Bros. seriously thought this was what people were craving not only out of a game set in the “City of the Future” but a sequel to the Arkham series. “According to these charts gamers played something called ‘Destiny’ so they MUST want something else that poorly imitates it!” They’ve all decided ahead of time that all players want is the same shit shoveled out to them because of the 𝒶𝓁𝑔𝑜𝓇𝒾𝓉𝒽𝓂, the 𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓀𝑒𝓉 𝓇𝑒𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒸𝒽, the ⓓⓐⓣⓐ. And then when it’s rejected as it has been time and time again it’s taken out on the employees being forced to partake in its creation instead of the people who actually make the decisions.

Kudos to Rocksteady for actually taking risks despite being shackled by the games as a service model. Actually killing off the Justice League is a bold move that isn’t unique to the source material but is radical in the world where crybabies go on the internet and complain because their favorite character isn’t kept alive for every single entry of a franchise (see: The Last of Us: Part II). But it’s no wonder the risk stood out and made news because it’s the only risk. It’s buried under junk that isn’t risky at all in the slightest. Or maybe it was now that the actual sales numbers have started coming out. Whoops.

I’m sure if Rocksteady is allowed another chance they’ll either return to their roots and do another thing in the vein of Arkham—which is fine by me and I’ll be there—or they’ll move on. Maybe it’s time to move on. Maybe the games industry needs to move out from under the ever-increasing demands of out of touch corporate snakes. Because what’s going on right now ain’t it, chief.

Reviewed on May 12, 2024
