Fun gameplay locked behind 900 hours of monotonous story. And for a game constantly praised for it's incredible and non-toxic community, it sure does have one that rivals the worst just in a different flavor: passive aggressiveness and veiled insults, all coupled with the lack of an ability to block users except in the middle of the ocean during a blue moon at precisely 6 AM on Mars.

Let me explain: The blocking sucks, only works if the user is on your server specifically, and is unavailable in instanced content; you know, the place you'd need it most, leading to toxic users having free reign in the chat for the entirety of the instance. Sure, you could just kick them, but good luck if they're in a party with their mates.

Past that there's plenty of systems that utterly bog the game down, especially housing, effectively locking users out from content for no reason other than artificial scarcity.

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2023
