Yeah, Blade is pretty good. Not crazy good, but pretty good.
It suffers from a lack of gameplay variety, inconsistent difficulty scaling, piss-poor boss battles and an unimpressive soundtrack, but the core beat-em-up gameplay here is, in my opinion, fantastic, with a deep, intuitive moveset that works great against a pretty phenomenal set of enemies. Shooting sections are distracting fun, but they lack depth, and feel undercooked.
Honestly, the whole game feels undercooked- It's so short, and by the end, you really start to see why, as the whole thing grinds to a halt and you walk down endless corridors punching the same enemies over and over and over- It just stops being fun. This is a very short game, and its mechanics can't even hold it till the credits.
With more enemies, light platforming, vastly improved boss battles and more varied shooting galleries, this would be an absolute must play in my book. But as is, Blade is really great for about an hour and a half, and then starts to get really, really dull. And I haven't even mentioned the difficulty spikes, this game can get absolutely outrageous sometimes.
But, in conclusion: It's got incredible sprite work, fantastic core gameplay and tons of great ideas, but most of them fall flat or run out of steam. If you're into the GBC, you gotta try this one, but there's pretty little reason to stick through to the end.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2023
