it's very much the definition of background game to pass the time while listening to a podcast or something. retarded story and characters with rather uninteresting missions but a somewhat fun core gameplay

that said it's filled with weird design choices that seem to contradict each other. it's a parkour/climbing game but after like 15 seconds of running your stamina runs out, then the entire platforming aspect of it gets thrown out of the window once the hook gun gets in the picture. it's also a melee focused game but you die in a few hits while the enemies are tanks that take forever to die, then you unlock the stomp instakill skill and suddenly melee weapons are pointless. game puts you in situations where you're supposed to think fast but then you have to enter to the pause menu to craft medkits (with a timeout screen at that) in the middle of a fight
many people complain about the final scene being a qte but i find it better than yet another garbage tier boss fight like the big zombie and the machete guy ones

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2022


2 years ago

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2 years ago

Only thing I disagree is the final boss: it's not that the QTE is bad enough, but the whole ending couldn't be shittier with a pretty weak "cliffhanger" and IT DOESN'T EXPLOIT ITS MAIN STRENGHT: MULTIPLAYER.

It's pretty spot on otherwise.
Tbh there isn't much i can tell you, i mentally checked out of the story like 1/3 in so idk about the cliffhanger and I don't really play online so I never tried those modes
I imagined the online component would be important as Dead Island was very obviously multiplayer oriented (and soloing it was lame) so I guessed this would be somewhat balanced towards that
Btw checked your channel and I found it interesting, will use it when I next play a podcast-core game for sure

2 years ago

Hey didn't know you checked out my stuff. Hope you find it interesting and not that cringeworthy.
Anyway, yeah, this game is mostly made for multiplayer, seems to be. The online aspect is pretty much Dead Island version 3.0 (considering Riptide exists).

2 years ago

Even then though it made up for a pretty background videogame. I can't fathom how boring it could've been single player.