This game has its share of fairly large problems but still giving 5 stars because I love how uncompromising it is and I think we need more games with this level of artistic direction.

The first half is better than the later sections as the mystique that enshrouds everything towards the beginning creates such a large sense of wonder and intrigue that is eventually lost to a degree. The world and story is so mysterious and surreal but takes itself very sincerely perhaps to a fault sometimes. Some extraordinarily beautiful imagery in sections of the cutscenes all throughout the game that is very striking. Such beautiful moments are captured in these scenes and I think the central theme of connection and how it is linked to the gameplay works so well. Love how optimistic this is as well despite the isolation it seems to make you feel.

Some incredible experiences in the gameplay as well. Finally getting to the top of a mountain or clearing a ridge to see a breathtaking landscape is such an amazing experience and makes you feel the smallness of yourself in the grandness of the world. Once you get the vehicles and other traversal items I think this sensation unfortunately wears off but is replaced by the satisfaction of efficiently connecting routes.

There is so much I love about this game and played through all 50+ hours in just a couple weeks. It is such a beautiful and evocative experience that I won’t be forgetting about.

Edit w/ some of my issues:
- so much exposition is dumped on you in very long cutscenes. It’s easy to get lost
- combat in the boss fights is not that good
- pacing is very uneven in places

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2024


2 days ago

Is it true it shouldn't have been open world but level-based?

1 day ago

I don’t think so, I think the open world contributes to the feeling of vastness. I imagine level based would feel a bit constricting and take away that feeling.