For the love of god please ignore all these people crying about lack of anime cutscenes. The presentation of P3P is stripped down, sure, but the actual writing is so much better.

I'm begging people: PLAY THE GIRL. PLAY THE GIRL. It is absolutely BATSHIT to me that if you play the boy in P3 you miss out on such a tremendous amount of content. The reason to play Persona over other JRPGs is the characters and writing, and Girl Route feels like the final draft to the Boy Route's rough draft. I cannot get over the fact that you miss out on every male party members' S-Link in boy route.

Also there's been multiple moments where this game has made me sit back and actually admire its writing. Junpei's S-Link eventually comes to (spoiler) him going "Hey, I jumped into this situation to take control because I want people to take me more seriously and not just think of me as a goofball, but in doing so I cut you out and that wasn't respectful to you, and I'm sorry." Which is a fairly complicated emotional moment you literally will not get if you don't PLAY THE GIRL.

I'd rather have better writing and characters than anime cutscenes, sorry.

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2023


1 year ago

Damn based. FeMC is indeed great. Honestly to appreciate Makoto I recommend people to watch Persona 3 Movies. He has actual personality and character development there and overall I would consider the movies definitive version of his route, obviously a lot had to be cut to fit the runtime but if you watch them after playing the game it's a great experience.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

If you like Junpei's development throughout 3, I'd definitely recommend playing (or watching) the Answer campaign from P3FES. It's the best showcase of Megaten writing in general in my opinion and highlights a lot of the strengths from the original game's character writing into a really satisfying study into what exactly went through each of the party members' psyche. I think you'll like it a lot.