I'm really not the person to get excited by cars like... AT ALL, but I can say that the drifting mechanic is great and the cars with all their different handling styles feel satisfying. I'm not a huge fan of racing games but the unrealistic and Anime-esc drifting and control scheme made it incredibly satisfying to play for a couple of hours. On top of that is the artstyle really cool and while I think the music, while good, can get a bit repetetive, you can always put on the Initial D soundtrack on in the backround and you'll have a good time. The way the backlights leave a longer glow behind while breaking is also sooo Initial D and I love it. So yeah, the overal aesthetic is great.
The track designs can get a bit repetetive too, although there are 2-3 real good ones hidden among the more boring tracks.

I'll probably come back eventually to unlock every car, because I think it's a great game to listen a podcast of audio book to, which I did and can only recommend.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2021
