The open ended approach to the story in combination with an appeal directly to the intrinsic motivation of the player to find the truth and not just start the trial, convict some people and fuck off, is what kept me going for the 9 or so hours it took me to beat Paradise Killer.
The world is beautiful, vast but becomes familiar after a short period of time. It involves quite a lot of backtracking to push the investigation forward and follow the leads, which CAN end up with the player bouncing between to characters to advance their dialogue, but doesn't have to.
Paradise Killer will never play the same for 2 people, as the order in which you uncover the mysteries can heavily vary.
The game and it's environments are incredibly dense and gorgeous, accompanied by banger soundtrack exploring the island feels great.
I really like Paradise Killer. My only gripe with the game is that menus and interfaces can feel a little slow with frequent usage.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2022
