Log Status






Time Played

7h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 3, 2024

Platforms Played


It's not a bad game: it's a fun concept with great art style that doesn't land quite well. You have 8 warriors and, if anyone is killed inside a level, you lose the warrior 'til you pass it with another one. That is great!

The problems come with the execution: if the characters are random, I can't be atached to them, and the buffs and debuffs are interesting, but not when applying so randomly. The boss fights are... fine, but the levels are long and you will do a little plataforming knowing that the physics are terrible and, if you fall, you lose the warrior. The fact that you don't know the order of the bosses neither, makes it a 50%-fun clusterfuck.