good parts: the game looks gorgeous, nothing to add here, it looks fucking great, combat is pretty great*, the system is really cool, shooting at specific parts, being able to choose how you approach situations, shooting off big robots weapons and using them against them, its all really cool and fun, and i loved mastering it, the world conceptually is awesome, and the lore is pretty cool and creative

bad parts: the world kinda fucking sucks, its generally really empty and theres nothing cool to find, sure there are areas that are more filled with ruins and are cool and striking visually, but theres nothing in them to do, its just cool to look at, inside them and around them theres just more of the enemies that are everywhere else, the enemies are cool, but ive seen them before and they are everywhere else, while i started the game exploring around fighting everything doing sidequests, by the time i was finishing up the second area, i was kinda done, the combat, while i said is great, it gets worse the higher the difficulty, due to boring hp scaling, i started my playthrough played on very hard, until i got bored and changed to hard, also for some god damned reason you have a dodge roll with insane invincibility, so you can just kinda spam that with no consequence to make most fights way easier and make non obligatory fights trivial, this is a open world game with levels and towers that unlock the map, which is you know, awesome, level design pretty much doesnt exist here, the world feels like it was made for a movie not to be played on, while the lore and world are great, the actual story that is told is pretty fucking bad, especially the "ending arc", which stretches on forever and almost made me just uninstall, it teases you on for 5 hours repeating itself in the gameplay and in the narrative, by the end i felt like i had done the same thing and heard the same things like 4 times, also the whole game, especially the beginning, kinda feels weirdly anti-reigious in a cringe reddit way, especially the beginning, it feels like there was a really cool opportunity for storytelling here about the new humans and how they see the world, but its just sacrificed for lore (in other words, the game confuses its worldbuilding for its actual story), the HUD is fucking nightmarish, its actually grotesque, and if the game didnt allow me to turn most of it off, i might have just quit halfway through the game, its actually mindblowingly bad, also the game does the give you dialogue options that dont actually do anything, which is, fun

TL;DR: horizon is a boring ubisoft open world, and while it looks amazing, has creative ideas, and has a really cool combat system, the game executes them poorly, by leaving its gorgeous world empty, sacrificing its creative worldbuilding to talk about itself, instead of telling an actual story, and making the combat shift between trivially easy, and boringly hard

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2023
