speaking of games i was harsh on Idk what the fuck I was on earlier This game taught me to love again
Unlike the PSP game this isn't a downgrade at all from 2 and is more of just a little side thing than another portable LBP
This might have my favorite art direction in a LBP game which is a lot to say since this whole series is known for having really really good art direction
and the music HOOOOLY shit This has like my second favorite interactive song in the entire series Sean Brawn your music SAVED me
Also the touch mechanic doesn't feel just tacked on (most of the time) and feels like a genuine mechanic Holy Shit this game is awesome
I know people don't really go to these games for the story and it's not like intellectual high art but god damn all of these characters are really fun and the ending is pretty touching.
I probably shouldn't like this game as much as I do but This is MY log Who give a shit.

Reviewed on Mar 13, 2024
