GoldenEye is one of those games that's kind of transcended itself into legend category if you ask me. Anytime you ask someone what are some of the best FPSes ever made, you'd be hard pressed to find at least one person that DOESN'T bring up GE.

I never bought it and to an extent, I still don't.

Let me be clear, I don't think GoldenEye is a bad game per see. But not only does it not hold a candle to the other offerings that were available around this time, but it's outclassed by it's successors (Perfect Dark, TimeSplitters) in every way possible.

GoldenEye's single-player level design is a mess. I only beat this game with a guide on hand because nothing is as obvious as it should be and it's so easy to just waltz into the exit of a level and fail it thinking you got an objective done, but just didn't. PD and TS's levels are a lot more direct and clear in comparison.

On top of that, this game's multiplayer offerings are poultry compared to PD and TS. It's still solid, sure, but compared to what came after it I don't see why anyone would want to pop this in for multiplayer outside of nostalgia.

And the biggest factor for me, this game is nearly UNPLAYABLE on its' original hardware. Make no mistake, PD from suffers a similar issue (perhaps even worse so), but the OFFICIAL modern ports of PD and TS are just better compared to that disappointing Xbone port from earlier this year. Play this with the hacked 1964 emulator with mouse injector if you're curious but overall, I'd only recommend this if you like Perfect Dark/TimeSplitters and want to see how this type of console shooter got its' start. But even with that... nah. There's just better FPSes out there, even on the N64. Doom 64 came out just a few months before 007, for crying out loud.

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2023
