What an awesome game.

I totally get why some would prefer 3 as the better game, but even with the small issues I just had so much fun with this and I was smiling ear to ear by the end.

The main issues most people bring up is the difficulty on starting playthroughs, and I do get that. Even on Devil Hunter, the difficulty intended for "veterans", I only died maybe 2 or 3 times total. Doesn't help either the game gives out gold orbs like candy either through the environment, just by booting the game up or by randos rating you as stylish online. I don't entirely agree this should've gone up to 3's final act in terms of difficulty, but a bit more challenge would've been appreciated. Again, I get why, this is very much a game to ease in newcomers and in that reguard I think it mostly succeeds, but I feel the first two times I played this game the main reason I stopped was because of the difficulty. Sure, you can argue the post-game difficulties make up for it, but even still I just wish there was a bit more for that first time experience so that it would engage people more.

On top of that I feel this game's first half is really inconsistent with playable characters. Nero's chapters are a blast and I wanted to keep going and improve on that, but all that changes when you're forced to play as V. I really don't like his kit. Even with barely any upgrades he feels way too easy and can just easy S ranks by doing nothing but spamming and I never liked that. Streight up, any time you're forced to play as V it's a low point, and that shows the most during this game's first half.

Other then those two things, I had a blast with this. The music is incredible, Nero's kit is a blast, Dante is just what I loved about him in 3 but amplified with even more toys, and Virgil is super fun. I also liked how this game tried to go deeper with telling a story, even if it does largely still take a backseat to gameplay (albeit not as much as 3 did). A part of me wishes I played 4 beforehand so I knew more about Nero's backstory (even if it supposedly isn't much) because I really liked his arc in this, wanting to prove himself to Dante and finding out more about his past and all that. I love his chemistry with the rest of the characters too, Nico especially. Really wish honestly this wasn't such a reddit associated game because even with the issues I just had so much fun with this by the end. It's everything I loved about 3 but just refined.

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2024
