you ever just play a game that completely rewires your brain and lives in it and everything you do from that point forward?

this game legitimately changed my life, as we all know it has for a billion other people. this game also is one of my least talked about loves because the fandom is a nightmare, and to be called an undertale fan is also to be called an irredeemable sex pest. we also can't forget matpat giving a copy of the game to the actual pope.

but if we can stretch our imaginations and pretend like undertale isn't inextricably tied to the nastiest corners of tumblr and also the catholic church, we can just call a spade a spade: undertale is a great game with an earnest need for kindness to win in a world that isn't kind to us. it's small, it's goofy, it's not everyone's cup of tea, and i will always be shit at the actual combat portions, but it changed me for the better. just please don't ask me if i'm an undertale fan in public. i will ignore you.

Reviewed on Nov 24, 2023
