This one feels like a bit of a mixed bag after Momodora: Reverie. On one hand, I love the concept art and the backgrounds, but the characters themselves ended up looking very stiff. Rather typical for a studio's first attempt at a hybrid 2D/3D style, though, so I don't think it's a complete loss. Once they figure out the animation side of things, I think they could have something very nice there. Arc System Works sure has proved what's possible.

As a Metroidvania, however, the level design didn't feel quite as inspired as Momodora. I actually like that it refrains from having frequent difficult platforming sections, instead focusing more on combat, but that does make the traversal upgrades you get feel very underused. Still, it was enjoyable. The parry/counter system was a nice addition to the combat flow that makes the overall pace of fights faster and more in-line with what my monke brain wants.

Oh, and a note on the story. I think a significant amount of the major weight of the plot is probably found in the archives you pick up. But I never read them because monke brain was engaged 100% of the way through. However, that felt more intentional than when AAA games usually do that, because the atmosphere of the environments I felt told enough for the type of game it is.

Overall, I'm a bit underwhelmed but I enjoyed it. And, like Momodora, it's a short experience that doesn't overstay its welcome. Worth trying on sale if you already like these types of games.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2022
