It's a good game, mainly playing for the story and characters.


Seems like a good f2p with cozy vibes and a interesting lore but so far after two hours it has a few bugs and lags on nintendo switch .

I really wanted to like this but the controls were lacking on stability. Also, first mission was a bit boring.

It has great game play and lore but the grinding was too much for me and I ended up burned out with it.

Takes everything that made the first game a gem and improves them. It's the wild ride, and now we can fly!
Also better voice acting (thank God) and a localization done right for the most part.
The story is not that complicated but some of the important lore for the game was available on the official site.
Still it's one of my favorite games ever.

Especially recommended for fans of the anime and the movie. The game compliments the story already developed in the anime, introducing new characters with their own spinoff.
The voice acting is excellent and almost all dialogues have it.

To be fair the gameplay is good enough for a turn based game, sometimes with cute and fun minigames depending of the event. But as many gacha it ends in the usual powercreep thing that can be exhausting in the long run.

One of the best games that was released for Nintendo 64 that sadly wasn't released in NA back in the day. Basically it's a wild ride from the start to the end ( I will never forget you, Pole Star).

And surprisingly it had voice acting ( which was terrible) and a sci-fi story with themes that you might find on many animes (even with a manga and a novel only released in JP), like end of the times, aliens, conspiracy, evil companies, etc.

If only Nintendo would remember this franchise...

It's the peak of the Xenoblade chronicles saga, from the cast that has so much charisma and synergy with each other to the game play, the heroes that you can add to the party, the challenges and the monsters to the sublime soundtrack and that epic DLC that is Future Redeemed.
Thanks Monolith, thanks Nintendo

It excels at character design and music with a well written story and engaging game play.
F2P friendly but i found myself spending because the attires are just too beautiful.