I like the idea of what the systems are trying to do, but I feel that the implementation is sloppy and dated. It's an incredibly complex game, but you must dive deep into the warren report to discover that, removing all sense of casualness from the game. At first, I thought the level cap was a neat idea, but even without grinding I ended up spending multiple battles at the cap, constantly fighting an uphill battle against opponents that were perpetually stronger and better equipped than my rag-tag army. To me, this comes across as a lazy attempt at raising the difficulty that subsequently forces me into a box of playing the 'right' solution, suppressing creativity in one's approach as you rely more on exploiting the AI, creating a much more stagnant, repetitive and aggravating experience that becomes an entirely different kind of grind. What I saw of the story was intriguing, but it's nowhere near enough to make me want to slog through the rest. The grind has a certain uniqueness that allows tiny incremental gains even at the level cap, but I can't shake the feeling that this just isn't respecting my time. Otherwise, it looks and sounds great. If you're looking for a tactical RPG that you can just pick up and play casually, this certainly isn't it, but if you're up for a challenge and have the time to spare, then I'd still say you should give it a go.

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2023
