Log Status






Time Played

34h 18m

Days in Journal

10 days

Last played

September 26, 2023

First played

September 11, 2023

Platforms Played


I love these games way too much to be frank. It's basically the most anime game of all time with its cringey dialogue and character interactions. Some parts of the game can just be frustratingly hard, but there is always some way to overcome with the different medaparts available. I love the battles and once you start getting more tinpets, your ability to use different strategies more. Hell, sometimes just running out the clock is the most effective strategy in this game. While that sounds like a slog, it's still tense and fun. Plus there is the potential loss of a medapart on the table for losses, which is a fun way to force you into improvising.

9/10, this and Rokusho version are my comfort games, I will be playing this again for some reason in a couple years. More of this series needs to be translated and released outside Japan.

I also want to note the game time. It would have taken me about 34:18 to beat the game, however, I was able to speed sections up which brought time down to 16:38. It makes the encounters less cumbersome, because the encounter rate is a little high. I highly recommend if you emulate.