I'm not really into MMORPGs but I had a really good time with this one, but it took a good time to get into the good part. The story is really generic and boring, and to get in the interesting part (raid bosses, towers and legendary beasts) the game takes a loooong time, like 20 hours of grinding to get to this. The game is not bad, but the grind needed to get into the good part is exausting and a lot of players give up before it gets good.

The pros are the PVP and raid bosses, which are really greats, and the cons are the time required to upgrade your itens and the excessive amount of useless mechanics it haves (like, if you are an active player of Lost Ark, tell me what is the importance of decorating you island and sending sailing crews for resources?).

In conclusion, the game have great mechanics but its really hard to get into the good part.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2024
