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1 day ago

JapaniKatti finished The Wolf Among Us
I played this game for Pay or Play 2nd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by La Volpe.

Telltale revolutionized the ground-breaking choice and consequence game mechanics with their The Walking Dead Series. Now they delivered us a dark and moody thriller based on the Fables comics, The Wolf Among Us.

You play as Bigby Wolf, also known as The Big Bad Wolf, who acts as the Sheriff of Fabletown, a community made for the fables who had to leave their home behind and enter the world of the regular people. The game delivers a mature and gritty take on characters from fairytales, legends and folklore who have escaped into our world and has you hooked on it's story from the get go.

The story spans across 5 episodes that have 5 chapters in each of them. It has twists and turns, excitement and emotion at every turn and a thrilling ending that can change depending on your choices. The story absolutely doesn't disappoint and it was such a blast to play through.

The game isn't even that hard to 100% either, as most achievements are automatic as the story progresses, though some require you to do different choices, for collecting all entries for the book of fables. Thankfully that has been made easy with the replay option after you have completed each episode. I did that at the end once I had completed the whole game and it took only a few moments.

I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys Telltale games and story-based games. While everyone still clings to the hope of a second season, I personally am just really happy to have experienced this game. Definitely worth your time!

1 day ago

1 day ago

2 days ago

JapaniKatti finished Thanks Mom
💗 This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

Thanks mom is a.. confusing platforming game? Question mark? I wasn't really sure what the heck was going on... I didn't really enjoy it. Something about babies, pregnancy and cow butt. I know this review is a little sparse, but I really don't know what to say. It was just.. bad in my opinion.

I wouldn't recommend it honestly. I guess if you want some weird stuff then sure.

2 days ago

JapaniKatti finished Hidden Robo Cats
💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Cute game filled with 100 hidden cats! The artwork is simple yet very cute. Finding the cats were very easy though, and I would have wished for a little bit more of a difficulty, or more levels to balance out the game being so easy to complete. It took me a whopping 3 minutes to complete.

Definitely a great free addition to the hidden cats assemble of games, but I hope they add updates in the future for the game to have more content! If you want to support the developer, they also have a DLC level that you can get for under 1€. It adds another 100 cats, but doesn't add any new achievements, so it's not a must if you just want to 100% the game.

I will definitely recommend it, since it's a free game with cute cats, but don't expect a huge amount of gameplay in this one!

2 days ago

JapaniKatti finished Hidden Cats in Berlin
💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Nukearts Studio once more deliveres an amazing success of a game in their series of hidden cat games. Like it's predecessors, Hidden Cats in Berlin delivers an impressive array of details in it's artworks, with cats hidden in multiple different places and a couple of different modes to enjoy. You start with an uncolored illustration and it gets colored as you find more and more cats until the last one is found and the final awesome artwork is revealed in all of its beautiful color.

You get to play through two different modes of the main game, normal and advanced, as well as extra kitten levels that are unlocked from finding special named cats in advanced mode! There is also a big bonus level, which is unlocked by doing all of the bonus kitten levels. It's similar to what they started to include in their few previous games.

The game is relaxing and addictive like all the games in the series and I would highly recommend this game wholeheartedly, not just on sale, but even with full price as it is not only cheap, but supports the developers to make more of these amazing hidden cat games! Try it out!

2 days ago

JapaniKatti finished Those Days
It was okay! The adult scenes were cute and wholesome, but it felt like the story was zooming forward and there wasn't much to it in general. It was also unfinished and from what I read around it seems that the creator has disappeared, so it will probably never get finished.

Either way it was free, fun artstyle and rather wholesome for a gay adult VN game. It's alright, but could have been better.

2 days ago

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