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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 11, 2024

First played

April 5, 2024

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Massive jump in quality between this and K1. Would be on par with 0 for me if it weren't for the issues holding the game back. Even as someone who has never played og 2 I can tell K2 is a bit iffy as a remake in some parts.

Music is a big detractor. Most of the ost is fine but very repetetive and dull and there are two instances where a vocal track heavily detracts from some of the most memorable scenes of the game (if you've played this you know which parts I mean). I don't even dislike SiM, The Rumbling is a banger and the song they did for the credits was pretty cool but those two moments were laughably innapropriate. Also the two side games were wedged in without really fitting the narrative. One of many examples of the Kiwamis doing something because 0 did it and not because it really makes sense for the game. Cabaret Club is still cool but it already exists in 0 I can just play it there and the way they intigrate Majima construction into the story is so comically unnatural that I could tell within seconds that the game had switched to a K2 exclusive cutscene. Those introductary cutscenes for that mode are genuinely some of the least naturally written scenes I've ever watched. Also some minor gripes while I'm complaining. The green filter that exists basically anywhere that isn't Sotenbori really detracts from the games otherwise solid visuals and every now and then the ps2 caliber animations were a bit distracting,. The Xbox One port could run a lot better too but it's not terrible or anything.

That being said, in spite of some faults, Kiwami 2 is still a great entry. The story really surpirised me with how great it was, even knowing it was somewhat of a fan favourite. It's not as big and chaotic as 0's story but it's got a great mystery/set of mysteries that unfold in ways I never would of expected making for a plot that gradually gets better and better right until it's final moments. Some fantastic characters as well. Ryuji is the best antagonist I've seen so far from the series. Would've been easy to make him one note and have the charisma carry his character there's a good amount to him in spite of how planly villanous his motivations are. Sayama and Kawara were great too.

Thanks to quality of life improvements provided by the Dragon Engine, K2 may be my favourite in the series so far for it's gameplay. This may be contraversial but I really enjoyed the combat for how fluid it was and though it lacks some of the impact of 0's I would probably say I prefer it (0 still has better boss fights tho). Being able to see substories on the map, rather than happening upon them randomly, was an absolute game changer for me and encouraged me to complete more than the amount I did in 0 and K1 combined (56/76). That and a bunch of other little improvements made me want to engage with the content outside of the story more than ever before.

A more ideal remake could've made this game truly fantastic but as is this was still a great game that I enjoyed letting consume my life over the last few days. Even after well over 50 hours between this and K1 over the last two weeks, I can't wait for the next chance to continue with this series.