My only beef this game is the weird microtransactions Capcom plopped on top of this and the fact the PS4 version is a lil shitty (although I don't blame them for focusing on next gen really I'm just glad it's playable on PS4 and in a stable form). Otherwise, from front to back, this was one of the best games I've ever played and as a remake to the original holy shit is it brilliant. It's insane how it can go and do something different from the original and you go "wow thats such a great change" but it doesn't at all invalidate what came before it if anything it made me love the original more through the contrast. Both RE4s as a duo are like the raddest games ever. They compliment eachother so well. I cant wait to replay this and do Seperate Ways and check out mercenaries and tell as many people as possible that Leon Kennedy is the most baddass character in fiction.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2024
