Truly a bizarre game from the folks who brought you Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, and Devil May Cry.

The gist of the game is that you play as Vanessa Z. Schneider, a sort of space mercenary, who dance-fights her way through levels. By and large the game is a series of rooms that you'll do battle in by blasting some robots and dancing around. For that, I love it.

However, that's about the extent of it. The game is high on style and starts poking at some nearly Nier Automata-like plot beats towards the end of the story, but can't quite follow through on any of those fronts.

PN03 walked (danced) so that Bayonetta, Sayonara Wild Hearts and Nier Automata could run (also danced, but did it well).

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2021
