Custom Robo is a pretty good 3D arena fighter, there is some nuance with the customisation and the control scheme really makes use of everything the N64 controller has to offer.

While playing through the campaign and battle modes, I generally came to the conclusion that this and V2 should have come to the West.

It is an RPG with fighting, a vague comparison would be Pokemon meets Smash Bros. This has a Vs. mode built in, and I hear V2 has 4-player (albeit tag team) which seems perfect for a party set up once you’ve exhausted Mario Kart, Smash and Goldeneye.

The solo story campaign is a lot of fun and familiarises yourself with the different load-outs that can be used.

The plot is familiar to fans of Shonen manga/anime. You start with school rivalries that slowly grow to taking down an evil organisation and the Custom Robo Champion. It’s all fairly linear, using an English language guide is advised, however you could power through relatively easily if you speak with every non-genetic character.

I find the Pokémon comparison sort of reductive, a collectathon this ain’t. Parts are acquired throughout the solo campaign. The RPG traversal is at an isometric angle, which looks cool on the N64 hardware.

This is easily an A to B tier N64 title, I think it is worthwhile for the battle system alone.

Reviewed on Apr 21, 2024
