I actually think for a Super Mario Bros. competitor Sunsoft made a pretty good game only if you account for the unfair difficulty with cheat codes or unconditional use of rewind.

The game is a little obtuse, the game sells itself on being a bigger Super Mario Bros. with more levels when yes, that is the case but some levels are critically small existing of a single screen obstacle to pass.

They also don’t run in order or at points it is necessary to deviate from the set path to collect an upgrade, some of these upgrades only last until you take a death which is a very frequent occurrence unless you’re cheating.

Your playable character has some control quirks, I found that I got used to using inertia to make the jumps, without any running he runs directly up and down. Also his only weapon is a wimpy bomb you throw on the ground, again I found with time I got used to controlling it and upgrades do improve its power to take down a whole screen of enemies.

Reviewed on Apr 21, 2024
