A decently-fun entry in the franchise that has all the series' tropes you've come to expect- including ninja zombies, fat zombie dudes with chainsaws, little slug monsters, and some truly awful voice acting. My friend alleged that the reason these games have such bad voice acting is because you're not intended to hear them clearly in an arcade environment? I dunno, the sound mixing is weird too but if you've enjoyed these games up to this point it's a fun but fleeting way to spend an hour in Round 1 or Dave & Buster's. My only major criticism would be the lack of blood & gore compared to earlier HotD games, and if it had gotten a console port it'd likely be the first game in the series to end-up with a T rating.

Oh yeah- there's no console port is there? Well- if you can figure out how to set up TeknoParrot and don't mind playing with a mouse or you're savvy enough to set up a Sinden light gun or use Lichtknarre to set up a Wii remote, it actually is possible to play this game on PC since it runs on Sega's ALLS arcade board which is basically just a gaming PC running on an i5 6500 and a GTX 1070. I ran it on an i7 8700k with an RTX 2070 Super and had an arcade-accurate experience more or less so it's something to consider if you don't have easy access to an arcade with one of these machines. Though I don't condone piracy so spend a few bucks playing through a level or two in the arcade if you ever get the opportunity.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2024
