Like it's two prequels the platforming is incredibly fun but the combat is a total slog.

I can't say I truly beat it because I consulted a map online a few times but this was very fun, despite its shortcomings. Not sure if the character having a huge butt is a bold choice or cheap way to build up a fanbase though...

Credit fed my way through again, one of the best games ever made. Hope to one day actually beat it.

Played on normal, I wanna try some of the other difficulties since the first four stages were kinda painless. Still one of the best games for the system, some of the late game effects are absolutely mind boggling. Plus it's one of the few non-shmups to have a pretty alright shmup level! Curious to see more of Alien Soldier and see if it supersedes this.

From the same people behind Daytona USA, Spikeout Final Edition and Monkey Ball 1, it's not a surprise this game is as good as it is. It borders on being a rage game at some points, but a lot of the level design is really inventive and fun. No idea how one would practice for a 1cc without playing the story mode first though.