I want to like this game for its story and characters But

Having to replay the whole thing TWICE just to unlock the final episode was actual torture. All the worlds are so empty and boring, there's no reason to have you visit them as each character. Never Land was specially bad.

It doesn't help that the combat system is so awful. You can barely stagger bosses, which makes half of the commands you get useless. All the major fights play out the same way: You spam dodge while you wait for the enemy to stand still so you can use the one or two actually useful moves you have. Or just shotlock to win. Not a single boss fight in this game was actually fun. Maybe it's because I was playing on proud mode, but I don't care enough to try any of the other difficulties.

Also, why can't you see what commands you're crafting? Why do you even have to level up abilities? Why are half of the items you find in chests useless?

I would unironically rather play the command board mini game than the main story to be h

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2023
