i respect The Witness more than i like it, i'd say. this game is obviously extremely clever, but i might have appreciated like 10% obtuse/esoteric puzzles rather than 40%. it's also really long - i figure i did about "half" the content to get the first ending, and it took me 22hrs. i guess for me personally i just didn't enjoy spending 10-15min on some puzzles over and over for that long. the game is obviously beautiful, but i would have appreciated some music or something to accentuate the ambience. the minimalist approach just didn't do it for me, the world and the "story" that gets drawn into focus because of the minimalism didn't have enough there i think. that just leaves the puzzles, which again i found rather tedious to a point. but now i'm repeating myself, so i'll just say this is a good game for hardcore puzzle fans, but maybe not as compelling for "casual" fans, which i guess is what i am!

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2022
