This was my first time experiencing the Crisis Core story and my first game on PS5. Overall, it was a great game with a great story and solid gameplay. The disclaimer people should know about is that it definitely still plays like a PSP game (it's just a remaster after all). I didn't mind this, but it was very evident the side missions act as lots of padding. Overall, it ran great and I had enough fun that I didn't mind grinding to 100% completion to get the platinum trophy.

Everything looks ~amazing~ in the remake. Not as detailed as FF7 remake, but such a huge improvement from the original PSP game. The writing is clearly circa early 2000s, but I didn't mind the cheese lol. I got used to Zack's new VA, and while I think his voice itself matches the character, I agree the delivery is bad or weird at times. The added lore to the FF7 canon was valuable in my opinion, and seeing the characters' backstories in this game was important. I love the Turks, so I'm glad to see more of them and their interactions. I wish they added a chapter select feature for trophy cleanup reasons, but the main story isn't long so they probably thought it wasn't necessary.

Gameplay is action-oriented and very fluid. It felt smooth playing it on PS5 with non-existent loading times. It's more button-mashy and less strategic than FF7 remake, but still fun. It was odd playing as a single character for the duration of a Final Fantasy game, but there's enough materia and loadouts you can make to keep it interesting. The limit breaks and summons from the DMW were fun to see, and I'm glad you can skip the cutscenes so you're not watching them a dozen times over each battle. Surprisingly, the random aspect of the DMW and leveling didn't bother me much (except when trying to 100% complete the DMW images and memories because that's a pain in the butt).
The missions are my main gripe with this game. Without them, the game would be half as long (around ~20hrs). You play on the same few maps just going around defeating enemies and it gets boring pretty quickly. They're not mandatory, but you do get valuable items and experience points from them. In my opinion, the game could've cut the number of missions in half and that would be a good number to have.

I used my friend's PS4 to play this game and it was the first PS4 game I played - I wish it wasn't. The story was intriguing in the beginning, but the end was forgettable. The game play is extremely repetitive.
The fact that the special downloadable that came with the game was a map of the in-game town should scare you. Traversing in this game was a nightmare.

I bought the WIi U just for this game. I was never into online multiplayer games much, but Splatoon was a breath of fresh air - from it's colorful look, to the boppin OST, and of course the fun gameplay.
Turf Wars is a fun concept since it's not all about getting kills splats, and all the different types of weapons are fun to try out. The various Ranked modes were enjoyable, but could be difficult depending on the map layout and team makeup. Sometimes the teams' weapon variety was unbalanced - for example a team of all short-ranged weapons vs. a team of all long-ranged weapons. Climbing up ranks was enjoyable, but the ranking system was frustrating at times.
The gamepad doubled as a map which came in handy, but was otherwise not really used for a lot. The minigames on it were fun though. Even the campaign mode was enjoyable, albeit sidelined by the online modes, and taught you gameplay mechanics and techniques.