It's a pretty mediocre game with some pretty great ideas. Elements like being able to use spells in the overworld, taking and giving heart, and switching between the two worlds seem like they'd make for interesting puzzle elements but aren't utilized whatsoever. The "Pokemon in an action RPG" concept is likewise pretty compelling, but I never found myself strategizing much with them or even using them in battles over Oliver, who always has at least one spell that each boss is weak to. Plus the game's version of Pokemon's evolution is essentially just a color swap, which completely misses why evolution is effective in the first place.

The story is pretty JRPG standard, but the exceptional visuals and music do a good job at making the player feel a certain sense of child-like wonder, which was clearly one of the game's goals. However, the effect is limited when you look past the graphics and realize that the world and characters are pretty boring. About halfway through the game you visit a very remarkable location through a hilarious sequence of events. I was hoping that the game would transition into being one of those RPGs where you come across quirky area after quirky area, but that one location is unfortunately the only one I'd call memorable. Aside from Drippy, who is an excellent character, mun, the cast doesn't really have much going on either.

Reviewed on Aug 07, 2020
