great game,and even though its pretty short,it has a lot of replayability since it has lots of unique difficulties,deus ex like level design (sometimes,especially on the open world),tons of little secrets like secret weapons and activities that arent necesarry for advancing the story like robbing a bank,pretty bold and unique edgy,not overly edgy and tongue and cheek humor and you just see the amount of fun the developers had making this game,the combat mechanics are pretty good especially with the amount of tools they give you,i just would have liked that they gave you less ammo so that you would use other things apart from the best weapons

some of my biggest problems with the game is the currensy system,buying ammo is pretty dumb with the amount of ammo they give you,also some of the gun balance is off and there are some pretty annoying sections that get worse on high difficulties

my other big problem is that the game is pretty short,and no matter the amount of times you replay it,you would always feel unfull the way the game abruptly ends

overall,is just fun pissing on people and doing some absurd shit

decent 8

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2024
