Telltale Games’ struggles with managing projects and overextending their team is well-documented at this point, and playing this game after the Studio’s collapse, it’s easy to see where the team burned out and simply did what they needed to. TWD: Michonne tries to explore interesting psychological ground in one of the series’ most beloved characters, but it tries to stake all the weight on the fact that this is “Michonne,” even thought she really feels no different than any other Telltale game protagonist; in other words, she is at the center of this story only in name, until the very very end when I suddenly cared about her again (literally episode 3, chapter 6).

The game does surround Michonne with some interesting new characters, especially on the friendly side! While I found the main villain of this arc really insignificant and forgettable, the beautiful moments built with the First Nations family at the hear of the story made it enjoyable enough to finish.

My biggest gripe with this game is that it boasts all the worst moments of Telltale games, but none of the highs…. There are no life-changing decisions for major characters, there are no meaningful environmental puzzles, and the actual conflict between the good guys and the bad guys is rather meh.

If you’ve held off on playing this game for this long, you’re probably fine to keep it that way.

Reviewed on Jun 01, 2022
