With this being my first RE game and my first true survival horror game, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I knew about the acclaim this game received when it was released, and I knew that I wanted to play it before playing the more recent RE4 remake since RE2 is the beginning of Leon's story. I'm glad I decided to give this game its proper due because it's downright excellent.

I'm honestly a huge wimp when it comes to anything horror. I can barely get through horror movies, and I've always avoided horror games because they're even more immersive than movies and I thought I wouldn't be able to handle it. I will say right off the bat that this game is fucking nerve-wracking, and I honestly think that's a huge reason why I enjoyed it so much. There were a few jump scares here and there, but what really impressed me was the atmosphere and tension that Capcom created here. This game has some of the best use of lighting and sound design I've ever experienced in a video game, and it kept me on edge the entire time I played. You can hear the groans of zombies in a room before you see them; your flashlight creates just enough of a light source to let you see what's in front of you but still leaves things in the shadows; and there are few things that have terrified me more than hearing the footsteps of Mr. X searching for me throughout the police station. RE2 is a masterclass in environmental storytelling and game design.

Speaking of Mr. X, holy shit. I knew he was a part of this game before I played, but I didn't quite realize just how imposing of a presence he really is. This fucker follows you everywhere, and knowing that he was on my tail as I moved from room to room was so damn stressful. I appreciated that he added an element of urgency to my play-throughs, or else I would've been content to take my time and pick over every inch of the station for supplies.

The story was a lot of fun--it felt like a corny action-horror movie, complete with crazy set pieces and amazing one-liners from Leon and Claire alike. There were some truly emotional moments sprinkled in, and the game felt like the perfect length. I completed Leon and Claire's play-throughs in about 12 hours combined and I felt satisfied with my time with the game.

I've been eyeing RE as a franchise to get into for some time now, but wasn't sure I would be able to handle the tension and spookiness of these games. I'm happy to say that I'm glad I took the dive and played RE2, and I'm excited to play RE4 remake and make my way through the other games. I know RE7 is supposedly a lot scarier than the previous games (and it's played in first person which really skeeves me out), but that'll be a bridge to cross when I get there.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2023
