I actually love a lot of the things that make this game unique in the series. The 2D side view, the magic system, the RPG elements, and the combat make this game feel quite fresh to someone who's played almost every other game in the series. Like the first game, however, Zelda II takes a nosedive off a cliff in terms of quality after the first few dungeons (at Death Mountain).

I completed this game without using save states, and I was nearly crying during the last couple of dungeons. Most enemies are ridiculously punishing, and the bosses make Dark Souls look like a preschool. Not to mention that Zelda II went ahead and copied the absolute worst part of the Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania games: getting knocked back by each and every hit, often knocking you into an instant death pit. I considered quitting at many points during my run, but the pain of humiliation would never let me. It's easily one of, if not the hardest game I've ever played, but damn, am I proud to have powered through it.

Reviewed on Nov 26, 2023
