No Mercy fans vs HCTP enjoyers

This is the big one that spawned the control scheme they carried for (or got carried by?) a whole decade, four different lockups by pressing O + direction, do it again for the proper grapple, for a grand total of 16 standing grapples. You had to be there.

Season mode alone is worth the price of the package three times over, a simulated year of WWE television that keeps looping as you acquire titles, defend titles, get slotted in pre-written storylines including a fucking faction storyline (Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Big Show, Stacy Keibler, Sean O’Haire, the real DX Generation), chill with NPCs in the backstage area, more dialogue options than a Bethesda title, you get to check BOTH SHOWS’ champion situation and you are free to take control of any other match that is slotted in the same card as you, make money acquire divas loading screens and Legends who had no music and a generic entrance for some reason

The insane backstage brawl interactivity was the other reason people remember it fondly, you can move between half a dozen different, BIG rooms with elemental interactivity that makes Yakuza blush, then you get outside and dive from an helicopter and it never fucking hits anything but it shortened a dualshock 2’s lifespan by years from the sheer shock coming from the rumble.

Why is the game funnier and harder here when difficulty options are Yes - No while I can spend a week fine tuning Left Bicep Attack Strength sliders in 2k19 and I still win by sneezing on the controller

This roster man. Made from a time traveler who broke into Yuke’s studio with a gun and went “this is literally the only place in time and space where you can put Goldberg, Ultimo Dragon, Brock Lesnar, Steve Austin and The Rock in the active roster at the same time, you’d better”. Little did he know that WWE would eventually acquire the Infinity Gauntlet from Prince Salman and do that shit every year after 2017

You can store 7 finishers at once haha how are ‘90s kids still alive today

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2021
