Un-fucking believable. Easily the best RPG ever made, especially considering I didn't have too high hopes going in due to my overall apathy towards the first 2 and how much I hated playing divinity original sin 1 (I will certainly try 2 after this though). While almost every one of the all-time classic RPGs end up compromising on same gameplay aspect this has EVERYTHING cranked up to 11. Story is fantastic[+1 vs divinity], character and companion plots are impactful and extremely interesting [+1 vs Baldurs gate 1 and 2], combat rewards creativity [+1 vs every JRPG] (although I would advise against tactician on a first playthrough, I quicksaved more than I liked since my party wasn't too optimal), the amount of choices in quests and the amount of times RP decisions actually paid off in them is unbelievable [+1 vs bethesda], and all this is done fully-voice acted and motion captured for a runtime only matched by underrail and some of the bethesda titles. Play it.

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2023
