Yeah it's just kinda OK. Still hate real-time with pause combat so that's doing it no favors here, they attempted to improve the system relative to BG by having timers show for rounds but that still doesn't get around the general clunkiness of it, but they also doubled down on the worst parts of it by having yet more hard to target and track abilities and the fights take FOREVER.
I can't make any huge comments on the story since I only got through act 1 and a bit of act 2, but it's alright. They managed to make the whole evil empire and factions system work well and not make good choices abundantly obvious, but the dialogue is still a little to game-y at times due to that system.
Overall, I'm gonna drop this one for now, but it'll probably be worth it to you if you like real-time with pause combat.

Reviewed on Sep 23, 2023
