It's Minecraft.

It's been 11 years and yet I still find myself playing this game. Of course it will probably never be the same as it was when I was 5 years old, but it still hits so fucking hard. The amount of memories I have on this game goes on forever. From being afraid of mineshafts and everything, to decorating my dad's castles with wolves and cats and pink carpet.

Some will argue this game has gone downhill, that's it's too complicated and not simple anymore. But I think the recenter updates add more life into the worlds. I like having new things to explore, other things to do in the end game than just beat the dragon. Minecraft is only boring if you make it boring with elaborate ass automatic farms.

There is so much to keep coming back to this game. Even if you've done everything in vanilla minecraft, there are so many mods out there that add more spice to the world, more strucutures, new worlds, new weapons, new mobs (unless you play the shitty bedrock version, give us your money!!!!!!!!!)

In short words; Fuck you, Minecraft isn't boring.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2024
