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i know i'm late but i'll just said what needs to be said - one of the best games i ever played. before this i knew nothing of what undertale was about at all. all i knew is that sans was a skin on smash & ppl were freaking out about it, then i knew when i was doing my gaming research that undertale is considered one of the best games. after that the only other thing i knew was that it was made by one guy. but i been wanting to get into turn based rpg type shit for a minute now & from afar, i thought undertale could be a sick thing to try first & def seemed like something attractive to what i could like? so going into it i def wanted it to live up to the 5 star rating.
as i played my first run tho i didn't think it would! so wild looking back, but all the way up to sans first neutral judgement i was not thinking it was as good as i wished it would be. i thought it was p cool forsure, i thought it was rly impressive & honorable that it was just made by toby & not some huge studio & i thought he had some sick music production. i thought all the creative 4th wall breaks & unconventional gameplay twists were great. but i was like ughhh man it's not enough tho! i didn't think the story was hitting that hard yet & some of the doggo type memes rly aren't my shit like that lol. little did i know i would be entirely mind blown from there on out over & over & over again!!!
as i was doing my first play thru in the beginning, i was just playing it like a normal turn based rpg, i knew nothing of undertale so had no idea "sparing" was like a whole ass reality i could choose. in shit like pokemon i just gotta battle & defeat everyone so why wouldn't i just assume when they said i could "spare" enemies it was just their cute lil twist on another way to flee a battle. so i almost never spared anything except for a rare case that i just wanted to leave a battle or something. but as i played i rly started to feel something important:
after killing toriel i felt bad man!!!
& as time went on i kept feeling bad !
i realized that the narrative was starting to build around the fact that the humans banished the monsters underground & started to notice little things in the dialogue & the fact that my kills were being counted, & all of the characters i was encountering seemed innocent & respectable & rightfully feeling negatively about their situation with humans/hope of being free. & that's when about halfway thru i realized "damn imagine if i'm the bad guy in this story, that would be a crazy twist....."
as time went on i kinda didn't think it would happen tho, by the time i'm fighting mettaton i'm like, mannnnn shit! this game is rly cool i just wish it was the masterpiece i wanted it to be!! if only it rly was that thing i imagined where i'm the bad guy!! but i doubt it's gonna happen!!
but goddamn how great of a job was done to let me believe the base 1 for 1 rpg reality i had been living in. sooo glad i never looked anything up about the game bc what a fucking blessing it was to be able to be naturally fooled by that! i feel so lucky that it's 2023 & undertale has been out for this many years & i was able to candidly experience it thru with complete ignorance & no spoilers or complete concept at all. when sans finally reappeared & began to give me my judgement i fuckin celebrated!!! YES!!!! omg they did it!! the thing i wanted, i rly was the bad guy!! at that point i'm like alright yes, so sick, guess this game rly is great, my prediction came true, that was a good game, glad i played it, strong 4 & 1/2 stars out of 5 good job!
but as everyone knows, what a baby i still was. the rest after that is just history man. i predicted & hoped for the original twist i got, but no way i could've ever predicted or been prepared for the absolute mind blow after mind blow that was to follow. from that point on it went from being a great game, to one of the craziest experiences i've ever had with gaming.
can't even rly put the rest into words mannn.
finished my first nuetral playthrough in complete astonishment. realized i could play again & was absolutely thrilled to know it was possible for me to go back thru & make everything right. poured tears immediately by the time toriel was letting me out of the ruins again giving me a hug. loved all the characters & i played nonstop. the thing is i was playing it on gamepass & it was gonna leave the service in the matter of only a few days by time i started it. thought i would just do a play thru & knock it out before it left. but ended up doing back to back to back runs like a total of 28 hours in 4 days haha
hard to sum it up, i felt so immersed in that world & it just couldn't leave my brain stronger than i felt for a piece of art in a long time, & there's still sooo much secrets & alternate routes i don't even know about yet that i can't wait to research & dive into, like there is still so much i don't know
loved it so much, didn't live up to "what i wanted it to be", it completely shattered the level i could've imagined it ever could be. never seen a game do some of the shit that was done. what a monumental piece of art. don't even care if it sounds like i'm overrating, bc it's 2023 i got to experience undertale blind for the first time & i can easily say it's instantly one of my favorite games ever <3

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2023
