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This is one of those rare games I felt was completely perfect for what it was. The pacing alternates smoothly between the slow, melancholy exhaustion of depression to the adrenaline spike of desperate fighting for survival; it manages to deliver very effective creeping horror (which the art style is FANTASTIC at) as well as an honest, raw depiction of depression and suicide, and succeeded fantastically on both sides. This is a very Heavy story, but somehow it didn't feel depressing, to me - it's not sad for the sake of sad, or dark only for the shock value. It's Mitzi's gallows humor and her determination to use what's left of her cut-short life for what's still important to her, it's Susan's quiet strength in the face of tragedy and horror, it's the catharsis of facing that pain head on and feeling it, accepting it, and using it to claw your way back out of the grave to seek vengeance on your cat-killing neighbors. wait

my point is this game is really good and I understand how the tone and sometimes slower pace might not have worked for everyone, but I feel like it resonated a lot with me.