At 185 hours this game is significantly longer than any other single player open world game I've played. While there may be nitpicks, the shear amount of wondrous moments, emergent gameplay, the feeling of being in a sandbox of endless possibilities, and the number of activities the game gives you to really dig into its systems, make this easily one of the biggest achievements in the history of gaming. It also relies on the gamer to meet the game in the middle. Your fun with the game from a moment to moment basis relies heavily on your ability and desire to tinker, goof around, try new things, and embrace a certain degree of chaos. And for that, I would imagine that people's mileage may vary. I can see many gamers, especially new gamers or ones with a more rigid mindset, struggling with the overwhelming open-endedness and who may benefit by having parameters to feel like they have permission to have fun. For me, this game is at its best when you turn off any compulsion to explore and "do everything" and just learn to embrace the game's natural cadence.

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2023
