honestly i was really sceptical of this at first. i gave it a go anyway, and performed badly, and put it down. on paper, it's not a good combination and is a good way to make most people run for the hills. "you have to play bullet hell to a rhythm?? idk that sounds too hard for me, i don't want to play it :/" is the general reaction most people would have

tbh i'm not good at it. i played every story mode on easy and still couldn't beat the bosses above difficulty 5, and was forced to skip. but. the game gives you accessibility options is the thing that removes the excuses most people would have to not play this game, route assist, song skipping, and angel mode (infinite lives during a song) are all really good to have, especially in this arcade-style game. well, some don't let you skip, which is annoying, but. eh.

when i got used to it, i got. kinda hooked? routes B and C are kinda hard to get without route assist, but i had plenty of fun with the songs. writing is just ok imo but improves a ton with STARLIVHT anyway so i'm not really bothered

anyway i really wanna play ARC CODA now, which is the actual arcade version

this game is much more fun than you think it is. try it

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2023
