Darkest Dungeon 1 is a titan of a game and probably the closest a game will get to being perfect. There is no way to make a sequel to that game without either:

A) Repeating what you already did and getting compared directly to the 1st one (an impossible standard)
B) Going in a completely new direction and picking and choosing what you take from the 1st game (and people being mad that it's different)

DD2 goes in a new direction and loses a lot of what the first game had because of it, and that's ok because DD1 still exists and you can go play it. It follows a more modern "roguelike" format and progression system which emphasizes experimentation and removes a lot of the longer dread and stress than DD1 had.

My only real issue with the game is that I don't know if the change, which removed a lot of what made the 1st one special, added enough of its own sauce to really stand out as a complete game - but that may change as I continue playing or from person to person.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2023
