Full video review: https://youtu.be/W6iV6ZsM0iw

Over 20 years since the original Alien Hominid released and it is just now finding it's way to Steam.

It is basically a simple port of the original HD remaster from Xbox Live Arcade, but with just a few tweaks for modern hardware. You get higher resolution and framerate support, but the game is practically the same thing. Same fun levels, same crazy boss designs, same run and gun style gameplay, same everything. This includes the difficulty, which I won’t deny, can be pretty unfair at times. This was back in the day when enemies and bullets spawning on top of you and having extremely limited lives was common.

I had to reset at least a dozen times just to clear the game once, which isn’t even that long at 2 hours, but goes to show just how difficult a game this is. Some of the boss designs are also just outright bad, with annoying gimmicky moves or straight up bugs in some areas. I was also not a fan of the complete lack of iframes when dodge rolling and the mere split second you get when respawning. That alone led to so many deaths simply because I would spawn on top of an enemy and just die.

Still, I can’t deny there is a bit of a nostalgic feeling to it. If you grew up playing games on Newgrounds, that same energy can be found here and it is perfectly preserved for modern platforms. It may not be for everyone, but I had a good time playing through it.

I would say Alien Hominid HD is worthy of a light recommendation. It is a fun throwback to the Newgrounds days, with straightforward run and gun style gameplay complete with crazy boss designs, but also insane and often unfair difficulty. Might not be an immediate buy, but worth a look if you can catch either on sale or if you’re just a big fan of the genre.

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2023
