I love roguelikes and this seemed like the perfect play considering it's Spooktober. Unlike a lot of other action roguelikes coming out recently, Dead Estate is more of a classic roguelike – not the type where progress carries over between runs. You would think that this would make it really difficult, but I managed to beat the game on his first run. Maybe I got lucky, or maybe I’m just a god gamer – whatever the case, it’s a really neat top-down shooter regardless.

There are a bunch of neat upgrades to find (usuals like knockback and such, but some unique ones too), a bunch of cool weapons (minigun was my personal fav), some neat boss fights, and the enemy variety is solid for a game of its length. It never felt like I was fighting the same enemies over and over - or even reskins. Granted, a single run takes around an hour to clear on normal difficulty, you unlock more once you complete your first run.

That and there is more replayability in the different characters and such. I may have cleared the game in my first run, but that only got me 10 out of the 84 total achievements, so there’s definitely some more stuff to find. At its pricepoint, I would recommend it to other roguelike fans, maybe if you can catch it on sale.

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2021
